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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Luigi Lenguito on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Aug 12, 2024. The discussion revolves around Luigi Lenguito’s success after overcoming challenges at BforeAI. The information shared about BforeAI is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

BforeAI offers a performance guarantee backed by cyber insurance, reimbursing customers up to 10 times the contract value if a prediction fails.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Luigi Lenguito on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Aug 12, 2024. The discussion revolves around Luigi Lenguito’s success after overcoming challenges at BforeAI. The information shared about BforeAI is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
BforeAI offers a performance guarantee backed by cyber insurance, reimbursing customers up to 10 times the contract value if a prediction fails.
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$3 Million
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What inspired you to start BforeAI during such a challenging time?

The idea stemmed from the realization that traditional cybersecurity approaches were reactive. We saw the opportunity to create a proactive solution that could prevent attacks before they occurred, especially as the world was shifting online more than ever.

How does BforeAI's fully distributed workforce operate successfully across so many countries?

We defined our culture early on, established routines like daily coffee times and monthly all-hands meetings, and we hire based on cultural fit. This has allowed us to maintain a strong team spirit despite being spread across 30 countries.

What can small business owners do to enhance their cybersecurity?

Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a simple but highly effective step. Avoid using SMS for MFA and opt for an authenticator app or a physical token to ensure your accounts are secure.

How does BforeAI's performance guarantee work?

We guarantee our predictions are 95-99% accurate. If we miss a prediction and a customer suffers an attack, we reimburse them up to 10 times the value of their contract, backed by Munich Re, a global leader in cyber insurance.

Is offering cyber insurance unique in the cybersecurity industry?

Yes, especially in the form we offer it. Our performance guarantee, which reimburses up to 10 times the contract value, is unique and provides customers with total peace of mind.

What inspired you to start BforeAI during such a challenging time?
How does BforeAI's fully distributed workforce operate successfully across so many countries?
What can small business owners do to enhance their cybersecurity?
How does BforeAI's performance guarantee work?
Is offering cyber insurance unique in the cybersecurity industry?
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Company Stats

  • Founded: November 2020
  • Revenue: $3 million ARR, growing at 20% monthly
  • Capital Raised: $20 million
  • Employees: 70 employees across 30 countries, representing 32 nationalities

Episode Highlights

  • ✅ BforeAI uses predictive technology to block cyberattacks up to three weeks before they occur, offering a unique preemptive defense.
  • ✅ The company operates with a fully distributed workforce across 30 countries, emphasizing a strong, culture-driven remote work environment.
  • ✅ BforeAI offers a performance guarantee backed by cyber insurance, reimbursing customers up to 10 times the contract value if a prediction fails.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Luigi Lenguito, the founder of BforeAI, shares the journey of building a leading cybersecurity company that specializes in predictive attack intelligence and digital risk protection. Founded in November 2020, BforeAI has rapidly grown to achieve $3 million in ARR with a 20% monthly growth rate. The company stands out with its fully distributed workforce, operating across 30 countries with a focus on maintaining a strong culture despite the physical distances.

Luigi discusses the unique approach BforeAI takes in the cybersecurity landscape by predicting and blocking cyberattacks before they happen. Their technology can anticipate threats such as phishing, ransomware, and credential stealing up to three weeks in advance. This proactive stance is further supported by a unique performance guarantee backed by Munich Re, offering up to 10 times the contract value in reimbursement if the predictions fail. This combination of advanced technology and financial assurance positions BforeAI as a leader in the cybersecurity industry.


00:00 Intro

00:12 Company Stats

00:54 Challenges and Unique Approaches

02:45 Fully Distributed Workplace

04:25 Cybersecurity Insights and Services

08:08 Connect with BforeAI