To Success

Fingreen AI

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Louis Frank on his podcast "Failing to Success" on Dec 11, 2023. The discussion revolves around Louis Frank's success after overcoming challenges at Fingreen AI. The information shared about Fingreen AI is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

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284 | "Greenwashing & Co-Founder Challenges" with Louis Frank from Fingreen AI

Louis Frank

ESG Revolution: Fingreen AI focuses on ESG data for private companies, aiming to combat greenwashing—a rising issue where companies exaggerate or falsify their environmental impact, emphasizing transparency.

How did Louis Frank With Fingreen AI Grow Their Business?

📌 Persistence Pays Off: Despite losing co-founders and facing setbacks, Louis Frank's belief in Fingreen AI's mission led to team rebuilding, client onboarding, and a successful €1 million raise.

📌 ESG Revolution: Fingreen AI focuses on ESG data for private companies, aiming to combat greenwashing—a rising issue where companies exaggerate or falsify their environmental impact, emphasizing transparency.

📌 Team Dynamics: Acknowledging the complexity of ESG issues, Fingreen AI's CEO underscores the importance of co-founders and a dedicated team in navigating legal, regulatory, and tech challenges.

Episode Summary:

Louis Frank, CEO of Fingreen AI, shares his journey of overcoming the departure of co-founders, rebuilding the team, and securing €1 million in funding. Fingreen AI addresses ESG reporting for private companies, combating greenwashing and promoting transparency. The CEO highlights the significance of a committed team in dealing with complex issues and achieving success in a tough fundraising environment.


00:00 Intro

00:08 The Challenge of Losing Co-Founders

01:05 Rebuilding the Team and Gaining Traction

01:29 The Motivation Behind Persistence

02:48 The Importance of Teamwork in Business

03:37 Securing Capital and Overcoming Rejections

04:43 Understanding Fingreen's Mission

07:21 The Problem of Greenwashing

09:38 How to Get in Touch with Fingreen

#ESGData, #SustainabilityTech, #StartupJourney, #Greenwashing, #BusinessTransparency, #ClimateAction, #TechInnovation, #EntrepreneurshipStory, #FundingSuccess, #EnvironmentalImpact

Notable Questions We Asked Louis Frank

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