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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Daren Smith on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jun 18, 2023. The discussion revolves around Daren Smith’s success after overcoming challenges at Craftsman Creative. The information shared about Craftsman Creative is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

Craftsman Creative is a company that provides creators and creative business owners with a blueprint for achieving their desired results. In this episode of Failing to Success, the host, Chad Kaleky, interviews Daren Smith, the founder of Craftsman Creative, who talks about some of the recent pivots his business had to make. Daren started Craftsman Creative just two weeks after the pandemic hit the US, so he was forced to do courses remotely or safely in the same room. In 2021, Craftsman Creative expanded into his personal brand. He wrote a book, started a community, and newsletter. However, he realized that even though he was helping creators and artists, it was still too broad. He needed to niche down further and focus more on his offer and audience.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Daren Smith on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Jun 18, 2023. The discussion revolves around Daren Smith’s success after overcoming challenges at Craftsman Creative. The information shared about Craftsman Creative is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
Craftsman Creative is a company that provides creators and creative business owners with a blueprint for achieving their desired results. In this episode of Failing to Success, the host, Chad Kaleky, interviews Daren Smith, the founder of Craftsman Creative, who talks about some of the recent pivots his business had to make. Daren started Craftsman Creative just two weeks after the pandemic hit the US, so he was forced to do courses remotely or safely in the same room. In 2021, Craftsman Creative expanded into his personal brand. He wrote a book, started a community, and newsletter. However, he realized that even though he was helping creators and artists, it was still too broad. He needed to niche down further and focus more on his offer and audience.
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Craftsman Creative is a company that provides creators and creative business owners with a blueprint for achieving their desired results. In this episode of Failing to Success, the host, Chad Kaleky, interviews Daren Smith, the founder of Craftsman Creative, who talks about some of the recent pivots his business had to make. Daren started Craftsman Creative just two weeks after the pandemic hit the US, so he was forced to do courses remotely or safely in the same room. In 2021, Craftsman Creative expanded into his personal brand. He wrote a book, started a community, and newsletter. However, he realized that even though he was helping creators and artists, it was still too broad. He needed to niche down further and focus more on his offer and audience.

Daren explains that he aligned the work he wanted to do with the outcomes he wanted to achieve for himself with the people he wanted to serve. He went up the sales ladder by starting with a low-priced offer and upselling to high-ticket offers. He was running a podcast called The 10 K Creator with his friend Joe Pulitz, where he asked for help in achieving 10,000 email subscribers and 10K a month revenue. This podcast was instrumental in increasing his revenue from $1500 to $15,000 per month in just three months. By doing more of what worked and less of what didn't, he was able to focus on high-leverage uses of his time.‍


00:00:00 Intro

00:01:15 Finding Your Niche

00:09:39 Advice to New Entrepreneurs

00:13:27 Contact Daren