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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Mark Wilson on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Aug 09, 2023. The discussion revolves around Mark Wilson’s success after overcoming challenges at ILI Group. The information shared about ILI Group is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

In this episode 147 of "Failing to Success", Mark Wilson, CEO of ILI Group, shares his journey from investing in land to becoming a leading player in energy storage. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, passionate teams, and adapting to change. Success doesn't come quickly, but by building a dedicated team, embracing challenges, and enjoying the journey, you can achieve remarkable results.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Mark Wilson on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Aug 09, 2023. The discussion revolves around Mark Wilson’s success after overcoming challenges at ILI Group. The information shared about ILI Group is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
In this episode 147 of "Failing to Success", Mark Wilson, CEO of ILI Group, shares his journey from investing in land to becoming a leading player in energy storage. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, passionate teams, and adapting to change. Success doesn't come quickly, but by building a dedicated team, embracing challenges, and enjoying the journey, you can achieve remarkable results.
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1️⃣ Perseverance & Patience: Success takes time and hard work; keep going even during tough times.

2️⃣ Build a Passionate Team: Surround yourself with dedicated people who share your vision and love what they do.

3️⃣ Embrace Change & Adapt: In business, you'll face challenges and external factors, but adaptability is crucial for growth.

In this episode 147 of "Failing to Success", Mark Wilson, CEO of ILI Group, shares his journey from investing in land to becoming a leading player in energy storage. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, passionate teams, and adapting to change. Success doesn't come quickly, but by building a dedicated team, embracing challenges, and enjoying the journey, you can achieve remarkable results.


00:00:00 Highlights

00:00:18 Obstacles on the Path to Success

00:02:48 The Big Swings of Entrepreneurship

00:04:38 Picking the Right Team

00:10:02 Why Energy Storage?

00:17:40 Contact Mark