Christian Banach LLC

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Christian Banach on his podcast “Failing to Success” on May 30, 2023. The discussion revolves around Christian Banach’s success after overcoming challenges at Christian Banach LLC. The information shared about Christian Banach LLC is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

In this episode of "Failing to Success", Chad Kaleky, host of Cosmic Design and Development interviews Christian Banach, founder of a business development and growth consulting agency for agencies. Christian talks about how he stumbled upon becoming an agency owner through his experience in concert promotions and experiential marketing. While in high school, he started an events promotion business that eventually led to a collaboration with an experiential marketing agency. He shares that they decided to do activations directly for brands, which resulted in them becoming half a concert promotions and half experiential marketing agency. Christian discusses his superpower in business development, which he acquired after working for 10 years at various agencies.

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Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Christian Banach on his podcast “Failing to Success” on May 30, 2023. The discussion revolves around Christian Banach’s success after overcoming challenges at Christian Banach LLC. The information shared about Christian Banach LLC is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
In this episode of "Failing to Success", Chad Kaleky, host of Cosmic Design and Development interviews Christian Banach, founder of a business development and growth consulting agency for agencies. Christian talks about how he stumbled upon becoming an agency owner through his experience in concert promotions and experiential marketing. While in high school, he started an events promotion business that eventually led to a collaboration with an experiential marketing agency. He shares that they decided to do activations directly for brands, which resulted in them becoming half a concert promotions and half experiential marketing agency. Christian discusses his superpower in business development, which he acquired after working for 10 years at various agencies.
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In this episode of "Failing to Success", Chad Kaleky, interviews Christian Banach, founder of a business development and growth consulting agency for agencies. Christian talks about how he stumbled upon becoming an agency owner through his experience in concert promotions and experiential marketing. While in high school, he started an events promotion business that eventually led to a collaboration with an experiential marketing agency. He shares that they decided to do activations directly for brands, which resulted in them becoming half a concert promotions and half experiential marketing agency. Christian discusses his superpower in business development, which he acquired after working for 10 years at various agencies.

Christian mentions that his agency specializes in providing growth consulting services to small and medium-sized agencies. He shares that the pandemic was the turning point for him to start his own business. When asked about his most creative marketing campaign, Christian shares that he enjoyed the face-to-face marketing campaigns that involved coordinating over a hundred people throughout different cities. He talks about the energy and excitement involved in taking over a city with that many people in different street corners, trying to restock them with candies and power bars.

In summary, Christian Banach shares his journey of becoming an accidental agency owner through his experience in concert promotions and experiential marketing. He also talks about his superpower in business development, which he has developed over the years, and how he provides growth consulting services to small and medium-sized agencies. He also mentions his most exciting marketing campaign and how it involved coordinating over a hundred people throughout different cities.



00:00:00 Intro

00:01:26 Creative Marketing

00:04:15 Leaving Corporate for Entrepreneurship

00:07:00 A Common Roadblock for Agencies

00:08:46 Advice for New Entrepreneurs

00:09:38 Contact Christian