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Boardsi is a leading corporate matchmaking platform specializing in connecting executives with companies seeking advisory board members and directors. Founded in 2017, Boardsi bridges the gap between experienced executives and companies in need of strategic leadership, fostering growth and helping businesses scale. Boardsi provides customized solutions to companies across various industries, ensuring that the right experts are placed on advisory boards to drive impactful decisions. The platform also offers educational courses to help executives enhance their qualifications and boost their chances of securing board positions.

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Martin Rowinski on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Sep 24, 2024. The discussion revolves around Martin Rowinski’s success after overcoming challenges at Boardsi. The information shared about Boardsi is derived entirely from this podcast episode.

Resilience in business is built by overcoming personal and professional challenges, helping entrepreneurs grow stronger.

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Martin Rowinski is the CEO of Boardsi and a serial entrepreneur with over two decades of experience in business consulting, board advisory, and technology leadership. Martin’s career spans multiple industries where he has played critical roles in scaling businesses and guiding them through public offerings and acquisitions. His journey as a lifelong entrepreneur is marked by his resilience in the face of personal and professional challenges. In addition to leading Boardsi, Martin is an author and speaker, sharing his insights on leadership, resilience, and strategic growth.

Chad Kaleky conducts an interview with Martin Rowinski on his podcast “Failing to Success” on Sep 24, 2024. The discussion revolves around Martin Rowinski’s success after overcoming challenges at Boardsi. The information shared about Boardsi is derived entirely from this podcast episode.
Resilience in business is built by overcoming personal and professional challenges, helping entrepreneurs grow stronger.
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$14 million
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How did personal tragedy shape your entrepreneurial journey?

Personal tragedy made me realize the importance of resilience. It taught me to focus on positivity, faith, and moving forward despite adversity, both personally and professionally.

What inspired you to start Boardsi?

After years of consulting, I realized how difficult it was to find board positions. I wanted to create a platform that connects executives with companies needing strategic board members, filling that gap.

What qualifications do companies look for in board members?

Companies seek executives with industry experience and leadership authority. Having successfully navigated key challenges, like taking a company public, makes a candidate highly desirable.

How can executives build authority in their industry?

Executives can build authority by sharing their expertise through podcasts, articles, books, and public speaking. Thought leadership boosts credibility and helps them stand out as leaders in their field.

How can someone become a board member through Boardsi?

Executives can join Boardsi’s platform, which connects them with companies looking for board members. We help prepare candidates by offering courses and visibility opportunities, increasing their chances of landing board positions.

How did personal tragedy shape your entrepreneurial journey?
What inspired you to start Boardsi?
What qualifications do companies look for in board members?
How can executives build authority in their industry?
How can someone become a board member through Boardsi?
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Company Stats

  • Year Founded: 2017
  • Revenue: $14 million in 2023
  • Employees: 250+

Episode Highlights

✅ Resilience in business is built by overcoming personal and professional challenges, helping entrepreneurs grow stronger.

✅ Board members need industry expertise and leadership authority to land board positions and add strategic value.

✅ Building visibility and credibility, through content like podcasts and articles, positions executives as leaders in their field.

Episode Summary

In this episode, Martin Rowinski, CEO of Boardsi, shares his journey of resilience in both his personal life and as a lifetime entrepreneur. From the tragic loss of his stepson to the launch of Boardsi, Martin's story illustrates the importance of perseverance and finding strength through adversity. He highlights how these challenges shape not just personal growth but also business success.

Martin also discusses the founding of Boardsi, a corporate matchmaker that connects companies with experienced executives for advisory and board positions. With a deep understanding of how businesses operate, Martin’s approach focuses on placing the right strategic thinkers in the right roles. He shares insights on how executives can build credibility through thought leadership, education, and industry expertise, which are critical in securing board roles. The episode concludes with Martin offering advice on how aspiring board members can stand out and leverage Boardsi's services to connect with companies seeking experienced leadership.


00:00 Intro

00:24 Company Stats

00:54 The Journey of Resilience

01:22 Personal Tragedy and Overcoming Adversity

03:52 Founding Boardsi

05:06 Building Advisory Boards

05:49 How to Become a Board Member

08:08 Connect with Boardsi